Thank You

Thank you for becoming a H.I.T. Patron.

Thank you so much for becoming a H.I.T. Patron – you’re now helping to sustain and develop a constructive news project in Hull.

With your support more content that is exclusive to HULLISTHIS will be commissioned – from local freelance professionals, including writers, photographers, podcasters, and other creatives.

You’re also helping to cover core editorial and publishing costs.

You can now login to access the H.I.T. Patrons menu item, where you’ll find updates about HULL IS THIS activity, behind-the-scenes insights into what is going on, and invites to occasional Meet The Editor & Contributors events.

This is your opportunity to say what you like about HULLISTHIS, or more importantly – what could be done better! The editor and contributors are open to your suggestions, as a Patron you’ll be able to influence how develops.

Great to have your support,


The Editor.