Engineering students at Hull’s Ron Dearing UTC have been learning all about workplace safety, thanks to the experts at Arco.

As part of the city centre school’s Engineering Safety Week (9-13 September), the Hull-based safety specialist held workshops for students, including an interactive display area based around virtual reality (VR) and a competition focused on working at height safety.
Arco’s Brian Grunes, Louise Brown and Nerys Knight ran back-to-back sessions throughout the day, with groups of students ranging from Year 10 – 13. Students took part in a competition to see who could put on a safety harness and correctly fasten it in the quickest time, featuring a ‘Top Gear’ style leaderboard and a £50 Arco voucher for the winner.
The students were then introduced to a range of working at height scenarios using VR headsets. They experienced the fall potential and safety considerations of working at height, with virtual settings including Blackpool Tower and Hull’s own landmark The Deep.
Brian Grunes, technical lead for confined spaces at Arco Professional Safety Services, said: “The students seemed to really enjoy our virtual reality experiences, which allow learners to experience the dangers posed in high-risk working environments, but in a safe and engaging way.
“Many asked questions and appreciated the opportunity Arco provides as a future employer. The day was a huge success and we’re all looking forward to returning in the future.”
Kayleigh Whitehead, 17, who is studying double engineering, maths and physics at the UTC, said: “It was a great experience that allowed us to see how the health and safety work we do at the UTC is used in industry and its importance to people’s everyday life. “
Arco has been a major partner of Ron Dearing UTC since the college opened in 2017, helping the college address the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics) skills gap.
Earlier this year, Arco donated personal protective equipment (PPE), including lab coats, safety footwear and safety glasses, for students to wear during their workshop training, as well as branding the UTC’s workshop and digital lab space.
Glenn Jensen, senior assistant principal at Ron Dearing UTC, said: “Health and safety awareness is one of the fundamental threads that flows through the different engineering pathways at Ron Dearing UTC.
“Having a prestigious sector leader such as Arco showcasing at the UTC is amazing for our students and further enriches our fantastic employer-led curriculum.”
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