A Beverley skincare expert will chair and speak at a spring event for cosmetics industry and skincare professionals in York next month.

Dr Katerina Steventon, founder of Independent Skincare Consultancy Ltd and Director of Cosmetics Cluster UK, has organised the Insights & Innovation: Skin Health, Ageing and Mental Wellbeing event to be held at the University of York on 21 April 2023.
“This event is designed to explore the future direction for understanding the relationship between skincare and mental health and wellbeing and determine pathways for further scientific research and industry collaboration and the creation of new products,” said Dr Steventon.
“Accelerated by the pandemic, the trend towards self-care has gathered momentum since 2020, with skin health and mental wellbeing, including ‘anti-stress skin care’ increasingly being in vogue. Brands are teaching consumers how a skincare regime can help to make them feel less stressed, more relaxed and benefit mental health, as well as look after the integrity of their skin.”
Dr Steventon will talk about radiance and resilience and will be joined by respected beauty industry commentators, including Daniel Whitby, Chief Scientist, SMINK Ltd, who will speak about Formulating for a Lifetime of Healthy Skin, Professor Francis McGlone from NeuroSci Ltd, who will address Skin Care is Brain Care: How Touch Builds Resilience to Stress, and Professor Lina Gega, Institute for Mental Health Research, University of York will discuss Trends in Mental Health and Wellbeing. There will also be a workshop to brainstorm new ideas to identify research interests on skin feel and formulation, touch and application techniques, self-care, self-esteem, longevity and happiness.
The event starts at 9:30 am on 21 April in The Lakehouse at the Ron Cooke Hub at the University of York. Tickets cost £60 for CCUK members and £120 for non-members. Visit https://bit.ly/CCUKYork2104 for more information and to book.
Cosmetics Cluster UK Ltd (CCUK) is the first cosmetics cluster in the UK and was formed specifically for the personal care industry and its supply chain.
Dr Steventon has worked for prestigious brands, including Shiseido, La Prairie, Unilever and Smith & Nephew Wound Management and writes a regular column in Cosmetics and Toiletries magazine entitled ‘Evoking Emotion through skincare. In addition, she runs an independent, evidence-based skincare clinic. She advises brands on how to formulate innovative and exciting products using multisensory and evidence-based experience for both skin health and emotional well-being.
Dr Steventon has also developed a signature skincare range comprising a Calming Cleanser “1”, Anti-Ageing Serum “4”, and Radiance Eye & Lip Serum “9” that is available from katerinasteventon.com.