The Carers Information & Support Service (CISS) believes that unpaid carers and the challenges of caring should be recognised in all areas of life and caring should be valued by everyone.
The Theme for Carers Week 2022 is ‘Make caring visible, valued and supported’ and CISS is celebrating the annual week-long event with this in mind. Carers Week is running from 6-12 June.
The CISS service consulted with unpaid carers and asked, ‘How would you like to join us to celebrate Carers Week?’ Their responses enabled the team to plan activities to really celebrate caring, be on hand to offer information and advice, and raise awareness of caring across the city in partnership with many other services.
During Carers Week 2022, CISS will be hosting a timetable of activities and are extending a warm welcome to carers to join them. If you have any queries regarding the Carers Week Celebrations or would like support from the Carers Information & Support Service, please call 01482 222220 or email