Concrete Youth is delighted to announce the trial of Signing with Suki – a new project that will incorporate signing, singing and sensory play for young people with learning disabilities.

The session, taking place on December 10 at 10am and is designed to support new or recent parents, guardians or carers of people with learning disabilities, provide them with a space to meet like minded friends and engage in some accessible arts and fun with their loved one(s). The session will be led by Communication Specialist, Sukina Pascoe, who joins the Concrete Youth team for this project.
Concrete Youth is a multi-award-winning charity dedicated to creating ground-breaking and exciting multi-sensory theatre for audiences living with profound multiple learning disabilities (PMLD). The charity’s education department provides Artsmark accredited sensory stories, workshops, parties and sessions designed for those with learning disabilities in schools, care settings and hospices throughout the UK.
Sukina Pascoe, who will lead the session said: “I am really excited to be working in partnership with Concrete Youth to deliver a fun singing and signing workshop for young people and their parents or carers. I believe that everybody has the basic right to be able to communicate their wants and needs and signing can make a massive difference tovthe way young people interact with those around them. This workshop is designed to help those with a learning/speech and language difficulty to enjoy some basic signs whilst you sing along with me! Giving young people the tools to express themselves through sign can help them to feel less frustrated, feel better understood and help to build positive relationships. I can’t wait to meet you at Signing with Suki!”
Daniel Swift, Concrete Youth’s CEO & Co-Artistic Director, said: “We’re so excited to be working with Sukina on this programme. The world of entering parenthood of a child with additional needs can be daunting and lonely. This programme will enable our carers to learn more about signing, sensory play and inclusive arts, whilst also having the opportunity to meet with other parents, guardians and carers of children with learning disabilities, make friends and speak to people who get it. This trial session will provide us with the consultation we need to roll this programme out as a full scale project next year. We’re very excited!”
Annabelle Moorman, Concrete Youth’s Head of Education & Outreach, said: “I am so excited to be releasing our brand new sign assisted playgroup ‘Signing with Suki’ which is especially for our younger audience members at Concrete Youth. This project promotes socialisation, communication and sensory play for young children with PMLD through the use of singing, playing games and most importantly signing. I’m sure ‘Signing with Suki’ will be a wonderful outlet for children in the Hull area to express their creativity. It will also provide opportunity for parents and children alike to make new friends and share experiences through the power of sign. ‘Signing with Suki’ allows us to extend our age range of the children we work with at Concrete Youth enabling us to reach families that we haven’t been able to previously. I can’t wait for the launch and to welcome more children into our ever-growing education department…we will see you there!”
Places for Signing with Suki will be free, but donations will be at the event and online. Limited places are available at:
More information about Concrete Youth can be found at