The P.A.U.L. For Brain Recovery Glitz and Glam Charity Ball will raise funds and bring supporters together for an evening of entertainment, while raising awareness of the impact of brain injury and how the organisation can help.

The event is being sponsored by translation and interpreting company Language is Everything and takes place at the Mecure Grange Park Hotel on September 30.
It is the fourth time the charity has hosted the ball and it follows a three-year enforced break due to Covid-19.
Paul Spence, P.A.U.L. For Brain Recovery’s founder, said that it provided a great opportunity for supporters and businesses to get together and learn how their input has made a positive difference, while having a fantastic evening.
“We are thrilled to be holding the ball again and look forward to celebrating the work of the charity and raising valuable funds to help people with brain injuries rebuild their lives,” he said.
Paul launched the charity in 2016, a few years after suffering a serious brain injury as he struggled to find the specialist support he needed. P.A.U.L. For Brain Recovery has since helped many people and their families, and campaigns to raise awareness, improve services, and promote understanding of the often-misunderstood injury.
Lloyd Tidder, managing director of Language is Everything, which is celebrating 30 years in business, said that he had been hugely impressed by Paul’s determination. “Paul works so hard to raise money, and the organisation is meeting a need that no others cover. We have been delighted to name them as our charity of the year for 2022/23.”
Tickets for the ball cost £40 per person or £400 for a table of 10. They include a three-course meal, live music by The Shine and a charity auction.
Tickets can be purchased via the P.A.U.L. for Brain Recovery website.
Language is Everything has a dedicated team of more than 400 linguists and provides services to the public and private sectors across the UK and Europe managed by staff from its Hull head office. It has a national reputation for the quality of its on-demand telephone interpreting and a track record of nurturing employees and young talent.
Last year the company was awarded 3rd best workplace for women in the UK by Great Places to Work, which has more recently named it as one of the Top 50 places to work in all categories.