You may have seen the hand-crafted flowers which popped up in the Museum Gardens, Humber Street and Princes Dock Side (Princes Quay) on Saturday 8 April and wondered where they came from.

They are the outcomes of the most recent #wemadethishull project, Instagarden Hull. The motivation for the project was this quotation from Edwin Curran:
“Flowers are the music of the ground, from earth’s lips, spoken without sound.”
And a realisation that there are some areas of our city centre with no flowers at all. The project was to tease Mother Nature, to bring a smile to the faces of passersby, and to brighten up some corners of the city centre by disrupting all-green spaces with a riot of colour.
Hull’s Creative Makers were challenged with hand-crafting flowers which could be planted and stand the weather outside for two weeks – and they did, resulting in almost 500 flowers hand-planted in three areas. Some of these had been repurposed from previous projects and some created from carrier bags which would have otherwise been thrown away.
They were being admired while they were being planted and in a short time had numerous admirers. The flowers will be in place until Saturday 22 April.