The theatre is introducing its first baby-friendly performances for Ladies Unleashed (Fri 7 Oct 2022, 11am) followed by Mumsy (Fri 10 & Fri 24 Mar 2023, 11am).

With the hope that parents, carers and families with babies can still enjoy a trip to the theatre, these performances are aimed at adults with babies under 18 months, making sure that your visit is warm, welcoming and hassle-free. This is your chance to enjoy a performance in a baby-friendly atmosphere. Your baby might fall asleep so you can relax. But if they stay awake and your little one’s making a noise, no one else is going to mind.
Janthi Mills-Ward, Executive Director at Hull Truck Theatre said: “Once you become a parent it’s often really difficult to do some of the things you enjoyed before, especially when they are young and you don’t want to leave them or have no idea what they are going to do – cry, sleep, need feeding etc. We are introducing parent and baby performances to give parents the opportunity to see and enjoy live theatre, whilst putting them at ease to feel as comfortable as possible that it is okay that their baby makes noise, or they need to move around. We’ll have everything you need, including changing mats, bottle warmers and plenty of tea and coffee!”
Hull Truck Theatre acknowledges that being a parent or carer looking after children allows little time to relax and enjoy entertainment. So, when you’re at the theatre, you’re a guest and staff will do everything they can to make you and your baby feel welcome. There will be a relaxed atmosphere during the performance, including additional lighting throughout the show and the freedom to stand and move about, feed and change nappies during the show as much as you need to.
There will be some changes to the sound of the show, reducing any loud noises. The theatre will have a room on the first-floor level, dedicated as a baby-friendly space with drinking water, changing tables, nappies, wipes, bottle warming facilities and a play area, plus a livestream of the production so if you do have to step out of the show, you won’t miss anything.
Additional changing tables will also be available both inside the theatre during the show and in the male and female toilets. There will be an attended pushchair/pram park where you can safely leave your wheels, whilst car/carry seats can be taken with you to the main seating area.
Bethany Sims, local mum from Hull, said: “Having all the necessary baby facilities such as baby changing, feeding areas and a play area available is a massive bonus, as all parents know that leaving the house is always a stress as you never know if the facilities will be available. Me and Addie can’t wait for the baby-friendly performance of Ladies Unleashed! It’s such a rarity as a new mum to find new and interesting activities to do together, so this is a real treat!!”
Hull Truck Theatre is breastfeeding-friendly throughout the venue. Drinking water is available in the public areas and will also be provided at seats during the interval.
A full range of hot and cold drinks, cakes and snacks, alcoholic beverages and lunch menu will be available to purchase from the café bar’s local caterers, Shoot The Bull. Highchairs are available in the café and public areas.
Ladies Unleashed celebrates friendships, growing older and living for today and the changes in life that we experience, while Mumsy tells the story of three women from Hull – Sophie, a new single parent, her mum and her nan. Both plays will be relatable to many adults with children, who Hull Truck Theatre hope will find encouragement and relatability in the characters and their stories.
Having already had a positive reaction to Hull Truck’s new baby-friendly performances so far, the theatre wants to learn what they’re doing well and how they can improve. They will follow up with a post-show questionnaire, where the theatre will be collecting feedback from audiences.