Once again Hymers students have posted a remarkable set of A-Level results. 89% of all grades achieved by the Class of 2022 were A*-C. This is an outstanding achievement for a year group so impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and a set of results significantly better than those achieved pre-pandemic.

Bright and early this morning, anxious faces arriving to collect results quickly changed to beaming smiles from both students and their parents and guardians as envelopes were opened and results revealed.
Hymers students achieved a 100% A-Level pass rate and, as well as some impressive results in core subjects like Maths, English and Science, in other subjects extraordinary results were achieved. 96% of Economics students achieved A*-B grades, all Classics grades were either A*or A, and over 80% of Computer Science candidates achieved A* or A grades.
With these results many Hymers students are heading off to top universities to study a range of subjects from Economics to Medicine and Languages to Architecture. Many are also pursuing different and exciting opportunities beyond the traditional university route including apprenticeships and careers in the performing arts.
Mr Stanley, the Headmaster commented: “I am so proud of our Year 13 students for achieving these superb grades. This year group in particular have felt the full force of the Covid-19 pandemic with their GCSEs falling in the summer of 2020. To have achieved these results today is an incredible result.
“It should of course be remembered that these results are not the sum total of a student’s contribution to school life, but rather a snapshot of their academic studies here. Beyond the classroom, our Year 13 cohort have achieved so much: from sporting triumph to magnificent theatre productions, NCS success to musical harmony. I am so proud of them all.
“Exciting onward opportunities await all of our students, but once a Hymerian, always a Hymerian. I look forward to hearing about everything they go on to achieve.”