A new bakery, bar and restaurant will open in Hull’s Old Town thanks to a £73,356 Levelling-Up Fund grant.

The council has today published a decision record that confirms the grant to Hearth Family Ltd, who will open the unit at 10.5 King St, in Trinity Square.
The company already occupy the second floor of the unit, and this grant, along with exact private match funding, will be used to redevelop the ground and first floors.
The company have already received a Historic England grant of £22,574 that was privately matched with £5,644.
Ryan Telford, Director of Hearth Family Ltd said: “As a team we are so thankful to have been awarded this grant from the council.
“With it, we can make our dreams a reality by creating a beautiful restaurant and bakery ready to put our years of experience gained at Michelin starred restaurants to the test!
“We’re hoping to open our doors this summer where we cannot wait to welcome (and feed) the wonderful people of Hull.”
The grant has been awarded as part of the city centre regeneration projects which includes a number of grant schemes and funding projects.
Whitefriargate has benefitted from £1m from the Humber LEP’s Humber High Street Challenge Fund and secured £1.75m from Historic England’s High Streets Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) programme.
Funding can be used to restore heritage buildings, improve dilapidated buildings, convert buildings to sustainable use, create permanent jobs and bring unused floor space back into use.
Garry Taylor, Assistant Director for Major Projects, Culture and Place said: “It is great to see another new business receiving funding to open in the heart of the Old Town. Hearth Family Ltd will be a great addition to this already vibrant area.”
It is hoped that the business will open later this summer.