We spoke to the local law firm about what education institutions can expect from these insightful events.

With the new academic year on the horizon, Rollits is preparing to begin its second year of Breakfast Briefings. Building on the success of its partnership with education consultant Sarah Young of YoungPlus, together the organisations plan to add value to education institutions, from primary and secondary schools to multi-academy trusts, colleges and universities.
Caroline Hardcastle, Partner and Head of Education at Rollits, explained what’s in store: “The partnership of Rollits and YoungPlus is unique for our region, as it combines crucial legal sector guidance with practical advice. Sarah Young has many years of hands-on experience “at the coal face” in the education sector, which complements our legal advice, putting it into context and explaining how institutions can work within constraints implemented by their sector. A large part of this is how organisations can remain compliant, agile and responsive even if they have limited time and resources, which is of enormous help to educational bodies.”
The partnership between Rollits and YoungPlus was conceived in January 2021 and the first set of Breakfast Briefings that took place in the last academic year were a huge success. Having received lots of positive feedback, they have decided to continue the events and align them with school term times.
“We identified three topics that Rollits and YoungPlus receive a lot of questions about,” said Caroline. “These include the challenges of complex SEND needs, how to sustain a positive workplace culture, and managing reputational risks.”
As well as sharing advice, the Education Breakfast Briefings are an opportunity for headteachers and senior leadership teams to meet in a setting outside of their schools to exchange ideas, talk about key issues and topics, network within their sector, and engage with a community of likeminded educators.
To find out more about Rollits, please visit www.rollits.com. Details of the upcoming Education Breakfast Briefings can be found below.
The challenges and accountabilities of growing complex SEND needs
Thursday 16 November 2023, 8:30am-10am at Rollits, High Street, Hull
The increasing number of SEND learners with complex needs and the reduced support from external providers is a challenge for the education sector.
What are the legal requirements for supporting SEND learners?
In this briefing, Rollits will provide advice and guidance on legal challenges, and YoungPlus Ltd will share top tips for supporting SEND learners.
Speakers: Caroline Hardcastle, Rollits; Sarah Young, YoungPlus
Balancing Acts: Exploring the risks and rewards of sustaining a positive workplace culture
Thursday 7 March 2024, 8:30am-10am at Rollits, High Street, Hull
With increasing changes to the social norms and acceptability around culture and associated behaviours for those with responsibility for setting and sustaining their workplace culture these can be tricky issues, particularly when that culture needs to be communicated around multiple sites of College of Multi Academy Trusts.
With recent criticisms within the wider public sector of misogyny, institutional racism and unconscious bias, how can we effectively identify and challenge these unacceptable traits in our own organisations?
Join us as the team identify sector challenges and risks and provide practical guidance on how to sustain a positive workplace culture.
This session will follow on from some of our priorities and themes identified in our EDI Briefing in November 2022.
Speakers: Caroline Neadley, Rollits; Sarah Young, YoungPlus
Managing the top 5 sector reputational risks
Thursday 2 May 2024, 8:30am-10am at Rollits, High Street, Hull
The wider team at Rollits will be sharing their knowledge and experience to support sector leaders to avoid the pitfalls in areas such as GDPR, Contract Management, Employment Conflict and Land and Lease challenges.
These are common challenges and concerns that sector leaders constantly face which can have huge detrimental impact on an organisations reputation and where legal guidance and support are often needed.
Speakers: Caroline Hardcastle, James Peel, Libby Clarkson, Caroline Neadley, Rollits; Sarah Young, YoungPlus