The 360 Grass Roots Foundation is inviting parents, carers and coaches to apply for funding to help financially disadvantaged children in Hull access grassroots sports.

This is the first time the charity has been able to offer a summer window of opportunity, thanks to its successful Footgolf event earlier in the year. This is in addition to its usual twice-yearly grant windows.
Formed by 360 Chartered Accountants, the Foundation provides financial support for children in the HU1 to HU9 postcode areas whose families are struggling with the cost of sports subscriptions, kit or travel.
Sophie Holmes, Chair of the charity, said:
“We are so pleased to be able to help even more young people this year because of the incredible generosity of our supporters. Playing sport is so important for both our physical and mental health and we want to ensure that no child is prevented from playing for financial reasons. All applications are confidential and we would urge families to reach out for help rather than pull their children out of their sporting activity. And by having this July grant window, it means we can have funds available ready for the new school term in September.
”This year we also have a separate pot of money for children that need sports glasses or goggles, thanks to 360’s founder Andy Steele who completed an amazing 25k run specifically to raise funds for specialist eyewear.”
The Foundation is receiving continuing support from Hull Kingston Rovers. They will be hosting an awareness event at Sewell Group Craven Park on Friday 26th July, just before the match between Hull KR and London Broncos. If people haven’t already applied for funding by then, grant forms will also be available on the day. Sophie continued:
“It doesn’t matter what sport your child plays – football, rugby, swimming, athletics, cricket, basketball, ice hockey, boxing, the list goes on. We want to help as many children as possible enjoy their sport without worrying about any costs involved.”
The deadline for completed applications for this window of grant funding is 31 July 2024.
Please email, call 01482 427360 or pop into 360 Chartered Accountants at 18/19 Albion Street, in Hull city centre. It will only take you a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
Meanwhile, if any individuals or businesses would like to donate to the 360 Grass Roots Foundation, please email
They can also add the next Footgolf tournament to their diaries, which is being held on 9 May 2025. If you would like to be an event sponsor, sponsor a hole or enter a team, please get in touch.