The 360 Grass Roots Foundation has opened up applications to its autumn grant window to help financially disadvantaged children in Hull access grassroots sports.

The Foundation, set up by 360 Chartered Accountants two years ago, provides financial support for children in the HU1 to HU9 postcode areas whose families are struggling with the cost of sports subscriptions, kit or travel.
Dozens of children have so far benefited with nearly £15,000 being donated in total since the charity began.
Sophie Holmes, Chair of the charity, said:
“Applications we received during our summer window helped children access football, gymnastics and cricket. We find the most popular sports are football and rugby but we would like to see more applications from swimmers, athletes, those wanting to play basketball, ice hockey and even dancers. We have had several enquiries as to whether dance is included in grassroots sports. Well, yes, it is!
“We all know how important sport is for both and physical and mental wellbeing and we want to make sure that no child is prevented from playing for financial reasons. All applications are confidential and we would urge families and coaches to reach out for help rather than pull their children out of their sporting activity.”
The charity also has a separate pot of money for children who need sports glasses or goggles, thanks to 360’s founder Andy Steele who completed a 25k run earlier this year specifically to raise funds for expensive specialist eyewear, after more and more applications were being received for this one item. Sophie continued:
“We have also raised over £650 (and counting) after the 360 team took part in the Humber Bridge Half Marathon last weekend.”
The deadline for completed applications for this window of grant funding is 31 October.
Please email, call 01482 427360 or pop into 360 Chartered Accountants at 18/19 Albion Street, in Hull city centre. It will only take you a couple of minutes to fill in the form.
Meanwhile, if any individuals or businesses would like to donate to the 360 Grass Roots Foundation, please email