A major milestone has been reached at the new state-of-the-art West Hull Health Hub, which is due for completion in November this year.

To mark the half-way point in the development and ‘topping out’ of the building, Sewell Construction and Citycare have created a film to showcase progress of the new two-storey health centre that will replace the dated Springhead Medical Centre on Willerby Road.
West Hull Health Hub will transform the way Springhead Health Centre provides care for its patients, becoming part of Modality Partnership Hull’s Primary Care Network in Hull and the East Riding, which has a combined total of more than 60,000 patients across the sub-region.
Dr Bushra Ali is a GP currently based at Springhead Health Centre, who will be moving into the new West Hull Health Hub when it opens:
“The West Hull Health Hub is finally the result of many conversations, over many years about how having a bigger, more purpose-built site will allow us to better care for our patients.
“It is going to make a huge difference just knowing that we will be able to deliver the kind of primary care that we have all wanted to provide, without worrying that it’s not possible because we don’t have the space.
“Everyone who is registered with our practice will have access to the same services across not only the West Hull Health Hub, but across Hull, because this new site is going to bring us much more in line with the other centres across the city.
“This new health centre will also allow us to create many new roles within our primary care network; from health, wellbeing and mental health coaches, to care coordinators, all finally under the same roof for us to work even closer together, share learnings and care for our patients within a larger, community setting.”
It is a huge achievement to have reached this milestone ahead of schedule, all down to the amount of effort that has already been put in by Sewell Construction in partnership with Citycare.
David Major, Site Manager at Sewell Construction added: “Works are progressing well on site, with round-level brickwork starting to wrap around the main building, cement-based screen laid to the ground floor, and windows fully installed around the building. Most significantly, the roof is now on and watertight, with internal decorations due to start soon.
“It has been an extremely tough year for everyone, particularly health service providers who have worked tirelessly to support our local communities.
“The practice and its patients deserve a world class facility, and we are proud of the team for reaching such a major milestone already.”
Tim Wigglesworth, CEO of Citycare said: “There is a really big push now for health to be delivered within the community and to be pulled away from some of the more hospital-based settings, West Hull Health Hub being a part of this new era for the health and care sector.
“Since 2004, Citycare has developed an extensive portfolio of 13, soon to be 14, health centres that make up our primary care estates across the city. They have paved the way in changing how health centres function, having a huge impact on the communities we serve.
“Our buildings are important as an enabler for GPs and ancillary care professionals to be able to do their jobs; joining up hospital and community care, physical and mental health care, integrated care systems and combining an array of critical services, all under one roof.”
Erica Daley, Interim Chief Operating Officer for NHS Hull Clinical Commissioning Group said:
“We are delighted to be working alongside Citycare and Sewell Construction again and it is great to see works progressing so quickly at West Hull Health Hub.
“This is a very welcome and positive development for the city and, in particular, for the patients at Springhead Medical Centre.
“The impact this state-of-the-art facility is going to have on the city is huge. We are reshaping the way primary care is delivered and West Hull Health Hub is at the forefront of that.”
The new build will see the creation of 32 clinical rooms, including GP and nurse consulting rooms, treatment rooms, clinical support spaces and office accommodation, as well as a reception and waiting area, a wheelchair accessible lift, baby changing area and buggy parking, a pharmacy and adjacent car park.