This Saturday, Neil Rhodes will begin the 8-day run across three countries, on what will be his 13th run across the Alps, in aid of the WISHH Charity.
The course is 286 kilometres (177.7 miles) with an ascent of 17,070 metres. The route is one of the most demanding in the history of the legendary Alpine crossing, which makes the event even more inviting for Neil, who is quoted as saying difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.
Neil is 65 in November and, despite this, he doesn’t plan on putting a halt to his ultra-challenges, stating: “I’d be crazy to stop doing the things that saved my life.”
In February 2003, whilst preparing to compete at the World Indoor Rowing Championships, in Boston, USA, Neil suffered a bleed in his middle cerebral artery. He has no memory of feeling pain, or hitting the floor when he fell from the rower. The next memory he has is seven days later, when he was brought out of an induced coma. Apart from a slight headache, he was fine. Neil left hospital after two weeks and began working two days later, writing his own rehab plan, and setting his next World Record just three months later.
Neil has chosen to support the WISHH Charity and Hull Hospitals during his 13th Transalpine Run. Neil is originally from North Ferriby and wants to help make a difference to patients, loved ones, volunteers and staff across Hull Royal Infirmary and Castle Hill Hospitals.
Neil said: “The Transalpine Run is my favourite event, stunningly beautiful, and I’m surrounded by a large group of international friends.”
Lisa Whitton, WISHH Charity Manager said: “It’s fantastic that Neil has chosen to support WISHH by taking part in his latest challenge, inspired by the care his family has received at Hull Hospitals over the years. Neil’s such as inspirational person, surviving a brain haemorrhage and given a 7% chance of survival in 2003, and has now gone on to complete an incredible number of extreme challenges to raise thousands of pounds for charities. He is also the holder of several world records. We thank Neil for supporting our charity and we are looking forward to hearing his progress on the Transalpine Challenge.”
To support Neil on his challenge, please visit