WISHH, the official charity supporting Hull Hospitals, has received a significant boost from a kind donor who has offered to match fund donations made to the Space to Grow Appeal, up to the sum of £25,000.

This generous pledge is to inspire and encourage members of the community, local businesses and Charitable Trusts to get on board to help WISHH reach its Appeal target of raising £100,000 before the end of March 2024 so that much-needed work can be done.
Funds raised through the Appeal are to support Hull’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), based at Hull Royal Infirmary. The aim is to create a Sensory Room for some of the most vulnerable long stay infants, develop a siblings’ play area and create a quiet private space for parents of these tiny and often very poorly infants to reflect and gather their thoughts. The funds will also be used to develop a specialist learning facility for staff, reducing the time spent travelling off site to training sessions.
The Appeal builds upon the Hull University Teaching Hospital Trust’s planned expansion of Hull NICU to increase the size of NICU with an additional five intensive care cots.
Hull NICU currently provides care for over 500 babies each year. Some stay for hours or days, whilst others stay for weeks and months. The unit cares for babies from 22 weeks gestation up to 49 weeks.
Since the formal launch of the Appeal, hospital staff and new supporters have taken part in an array of activities, including Hull Run for All, WISHH NHS Big Tea, coast-to-coast challenges, and a wide range of sponsored events to raise funds. Donations made in collection tins at till points at Home Bargains stores have also added to the current total, together with incredible support from local schools, businesses and charities. Collectively, all of these activities and support have helped them to reach the current £50,000 figure, which is halfway to the £100,000 target.
Sue Lockwood, Chair of WISHH Trustees said: “I would like to sincerely thank our generous donor for coming forward and making this matched funding opportunity a reality. This will enable new supporters to double their donation to help us reach our fundraising target, to make an incredible difference to the premature babies, their families and staff of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
“Babies in Neonatal Intensive Care at Hull Royal are the most vulnerable of all newborns and they need our help to grow. We are delighted that the WISHH Charity Space to Grow Appeal got off to a good start and thank everyone who helped us to reach the halfway mark of £50,000.
“With your help, the incredibly generous pledge of a donation of up to £25,000 can be a game-changer in us reaching the Appeal Target of £100,000. We have been given a golden opportunity to make a difference in neonatal facilities and I encourage everyone who can to get on board and help us rise to the challenge we have been given”.
How to double your donation through matched funding
Donations can be made via the Appeal’s JustGiving page rebrand.ly/SpaceToGrowDonate – include the words ‘WISHH matched fund’ in your donation message and WISHH will double your donation. Cheque donations can be made payable to “WISHH Charity”. Please include ‘Space to Grow Appeal – Matched Fund’ on the reverse of the cheque and post to: WISHH Charity Space to Grow Appeal, First Floor Administration Block, Castle Hill Hospital, Castle Road, Cottingham, HU16 5JQ.
All donations made to the appeal from September until the £25,000 has been reached will qualify for matched funding. All donations will be formally acknowledged, so please include your email address/contact details.
How your donation will make a difference
« £5 will become £10 – this could provide books and distraction items for siblings.
« £25 will become £50 – this may provide a range of games and toys.
« £100 will be come £200 – this could provide a range of sensory items for parents to interact with their premature babies.
« £500-£1000 donations will be matched to support sensory lighting and bubble tubes.
« £2000-£5000 will be matched to contribute towards the upgrading of rooms, provide furniture, artworks and equipment.
Become a fundraiser
Keen to fundraise and need inspiration? WISHH has a range of fundraising ideas for supporters to take part in. Their fundraising pack can be downloaded by visiting www.wishhcharity.org.uk/get-involved/help-with-our-latest-appeals/space-to-grow-appeal
They also have events and activities planned from now up until Christmas, which you can become involved with. Contact WISHH for further information on 01482 622299 or email hyp-tr@hellowishh@nhs.net
Are you a business and would like to become involved?
WISHH has a range of sponsorship opportunities available to businesses,. If you’re considering becoming involved, contact Lisa Whitton, WISHH Charity Manager, at lisa.whitton3@nhs.net or call 01482 622299 for further information.