“In these crazy times, it can be hard to keep going, but keep on going we must. So, what keeps you going?”

That is the question which Hull-based creatives Miranda van Rossum and Hanna Lutkin would like the people of Hull (and beyond) to answer by making a link for what is hoped will be a giant paper chain, to be assembled and unfurled in Pearson Park on Saturday 9th September, after which it will be exhibited at Humber Street Gallery in October.
Entitled ‘Our Strength Is In Our Connection’, the project is all about looking for connections and common ground, which Hanna and Miranda believe will emerge by asking project participants to think about what matters most to them.
In addition to making a link for the chain, participants are also asked to produce a short piece in which they explain what keeps them going and why in more detail. These links and stories will then be published on the project website (osiioc.wordpress.com), where some 60 links can already be viewed.
With over 20 groups and organisations, including Absolutely Cultured, Back to Ours, Welcome House and Sidmouth Primary having already pledged to take part, the chain is set to be sizeable, but there is always room for more links. Miranda and Hanna are especially keen to represent as many different voices as possible, and not just from Hull either – anyone, anywhere is welcome to take part.
Anyone who would like to join in is encouraged to join the Facebook group Our Strength Is In Our Connection, or to email the project for more information at strengthinconnection2@gmail.com. Full instructions can also be downloaded from the project website.
Alternatively, people are welcome to attend a link making workshop at the Avenues Library on Wednesday 16 August, 2pm-3:30pm. The workshops is free and there is no need to book.