The Hull & Humber Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce that the Local Skills Improvement plan for Hull & East Yorkshire has been approved by the Secretary of State in line with the approval criteria set out in the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022, and in accordance with the LSIP Statutory Guidance.

The Hull & East Yorkshire Local Skills Improvement Plan (HEY LSIP) is a three-year plan that sets out to place employers at the heart of the local skills system, to ensure that our current and future workforce are equipped with the skills and attributes that meet the needs of employers and the local area.
Through the Chamber’s engagement activity with local employers, the LSIP focuses on five key themes: technical skills; educational teaching professionals; employability skills and behaviours; careers guidance being aligned with local opportunities; and accessibility.
For Technical skills, the HEY LSIP wants to ensure the supply of and demand for technical skills matches the needs of employers to ensure vacancies are filled, productivity is amplified, and employers are able to thrive. With this, however, there is a need to address concerns that there are insufficient numbers of educational teaching professionals who are able to deliver the courses and provision that employers seek.
Employability Skills and behaviours was by far the most significant skills concern that was being raised by employers. Employers believe that the workforce being equipped with these skills, and the right behaviours, is the primary stepping needed to progress within their careers.
Employers also reported a misalignment between careers guidance and employment opportunities within Hull & East Yorkshire. There also appears to be a lack of knowledge relating to what careers guidance activity is carried out locally. This is a theme that needs to be addressed to support the other priorities detailed within this LSIP, and ensure local jobs go to local people.
Finally, accessibility consists of four threads: accessibility of information on matters that affect businesses and organisations; accessibility of information relating to training and provision, including funding; accessibility of provision pathways for those considered to be at a disadvantage; and accessibility for support in assessing future skills needs. These are areas that the HEY LSIP is keen to address.
The HEY LSIP sets out a Roadmap for the region to address these key themes identified by employers. The success of the HEY LSIP will be reliant on collaboration and transparency between key stakeholders, providers and employers and the Chamber is keen to lead on this work to ensure the successful delivery of priorities set out within the LSIP.
Phil Ascough, Chair of the HEY LSIP Board commented:
“Approval of the LSIP is excellent news and reflects and rewards the immense effort undertaken by the LSIP team in completing an arduous procedure. It also demonstrates the value of the input from hundreds of local businesses of all sizes who add up to a huge resource and an immense and valuable pool of talent and expertise. We look forward very much to taking the LSIP forward with their help, and to generating further private sector involvement.”
Debra Gray, Principal at Hull College and representing the Humber Principals Group on the HEY LSIP Board added:
“We are delighted to work with fellow colleges and training providers across the region to deliver the skills needs of the future via our local skills improvement plan (LSIP). The LSIP captures the skills our employers have identified as key to inward investment and business growth. When businesses and educational providers work together to create prosperity, we are an unbeatable team to deliver on the governments levelling up agenda. This includes a strong focus on decarbonisation, clean energy and leading-edge digital skills.”