The University of Hull’s Aura Innovation Centre has been awarded a Good Mark by Hull Civic Society, recognising the building’s special merit.
The Aura Innovation Centre (AIC) is the region’s net zero hub, a community led by the University of Hull that supports businesses of all sizes, helping them to accelerate low-carbon projects, drive green innovation and deliver clean business growth. By connecting businesses with university research power, the AIC brings the Humber together to shape the way in low-carbon innovation.
The building is located on Bridgehead Business Park in Hessle, one of the UK’s greenest business parks, and has many features which make it sustainable, including solar panels, EV chargers and an experimental air cooling systems which uses a lot less energy than traditional air conditioning.
As well as hosting events and a co-working space, the AIC also provides access to advanced facilities and equipment, with the building’s InventX innovation space packed with cutting edge equipment like 3D printers, a scanning electron microscope and advanced electronics and prototyping equipment.
Hull Civic Society Deputy Chair Richard Clarke said that the Aura Innovation Centre was awarded the Good Mark after coming to the attention of several members of the Society.
“I attended an event at the Aura Innovation Centre last year, and was struck that it was a remarkable building, and that remarkable things were going on there,” he said.
“Our Good Marks recognise significant buildings and developments in the Hull area, and we think the Aura Innovation Centre is very much an asset which serves our region.”
Hull Civic Society members nominate buildings which they think are worthy of Good Marks, and these are then voted on by the committee. They take into consideration the architecture and function of buildings, how they sit in relation to the community, and whether they allow the city to develop in the right direction. They are awarded to new buildings, restoration of older ones, and projects that set a good example. The first was given in 1968, with only a few hundred ever awarded.