Up to 1000 free meals will be given away to unpaid carers across Hull, thanks to The Carers’ Information and Support Service (run by City Health Care Partnership CIC), EMS and a grant from Hull City Council.

CISS launched ‘1000 meals for carers’ this week to support carers who may be struggling with rising prices through the winter.
EMS are making meals for families to help people who are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis and unpaid carers, who are looking after family, friends or neighbours, often find themselves unable to make ends meet.
The meals usually cost £3 each but CISS are donating £3,000 to EMS so that any carers can order a free meal to collect at one of the points across Hull. The carer just has to show their carer’s card (issued by CISS) to qualify. The scheme will continue until the funds run out.
CISS successfully applied for funding for the free meals from Hull City Council to improve the resilience and wellbeing of unpaid carers and help them to continue in their caring role.
West Hull Rugby Club host a weekly group for carers along with CISS, with free lunches provided, but is also one of the sites where people can go to collect their food to take home.
“I’m happy to pay but it’s even better to get it for nothing!” says Sharon. “The meals are great,” agrees Sheila. “We can choose from the menu and it’s all delicious. Everything is so expensive at the moment, it’ll make a big difference to be able to get free meals.”
CISS are keen to let all unpaid carers in the city who have a carer’s card know about the scheme. David Roe, CISS Development Lead, says it’s really easy to sign up. “People just need to contact EMS by calling 01482 709810 to order a meal. They can be collected from sites across the city; anyone with a carer’s card just needs to show it when they collect their meal and EMS will invoice CISS.”