Thanks to generous donations from people and businesses all over York, North Yorkshire, Hull and East Riding of Yorkshire, Two Ridings Community Foundation met their half a million target to help local people struggling with the cost of living, and all raised in just four months.

Launched in September 2022, and through donations of all sizes – from £50 to £144,000 – the North & East Yorkshire Cost of Living Crisis Fund reached £515,000 this week, showing how generous people are. The cost of living crisis is not going away, and Two Ridings have vowed it will continue the appeal for the foreseeable future, to cover the ongoing need.
Anyone who wants to make a difference, can donate here: Two Ridings Community Foundation | Donate to the Cost of Living Crisis Fund (
One of the early donors to the fund, local businessman and resident David Dickson, said:
“I was really keen to support this appeal from the offset, because I knew the impact of cost of living was going to be felt strongly by people and charities across the region. I also knew there are people who could afford to donate who would want to give money locally. I am proud to be an early donor to the appeal and delighted Two Ridings have met their target so quickly.”
So far, 54 small grants totalling £112,210 have been made to local organisations for critical issues like providing warm spaces, hot food, free groceries and emergency energy top-ups for vulnerable local residents.
The Ryedale organisation Revival have used their funding to buy and distribute kettles, slippers, warm clothes and top-up payments for local older people in their rurally isolated area.
Giroscope in Hull have provided warm bedding and slow cookers for single mums and refugees.
Driffield Cricket Club have adapted what they provide for local people, opening their venue as a warm space and offering free hot meals and drinks to anyone who needs it.
Settle Pantry Food Bank are offering CV, employment and economy cooking and heating advice alongside free food and hygiene products.
Jan Garrill, Chief Executive of Two Ridings said:
“On hearing that we had reached half a million, I was overwhelmed with so many mixed emotions: gratitude for people’s generosity, despair at the state of the world we live in, and absolute determination to keep this appeal going.
“Everyone who has donated, no matter how large or small, has played an important part in ensuring that people can look forward to a warm meal or be able to enjoy some respite from cold homes, and also in ensuring charities have essential funds to keep them going so they can continue to help others in need. I can’t thank people enough for their care, thought and generosity.”
Because the target has been reached, Two Ridings are now giving community groups the opportunity to apply for larger funding, up to £10,000, to cover their running costs so they can carry on providing vital support in these increasingly difficult times, as well as continuing the smaller grants for emergency support. Applications can be made here.