A young lawyer’s cupboard clear-out has kickstarted a campaign to encourage colleagues and clients to support food banks in the run-up to the festive season.

Emma Horscraft, a trainee solicitor with Rollits LLP in Hull, revealed she was prompted to act after finding a can of chicken soup in her kitchen cupboard nearly two years after becoming vegetarian.
She said: “It made me wonder how long ago I must have bought it and how many people would have been grateful for it during that time. Thankfully, it was still in date!”
Emma researched the availability of food banks in Hull, spoke to bosses at Rollits and was given the go-ahead to work with fellow trainee solicitor Molly Bloom on organising a collection of goods which will be delivered to Hull Food Bank.
The pair, who only joined the firm in September, are urging colleagues to check their own cupboards for any unwanted items which can still be used and to pick up additional products on their shopping trips to help people who rely on the services of Hull Food Bank.
The hope is that the firm’s clients and contacts will support the food drive, with Rollits also accepting donations from passers-by at their offices in High Street, Hull.
Emma said: “We have a lot of clients in the local area and Rollits has always been a big supporter of community initiatives throughout its history of more than180 years so hopefully people will help us by making a food donation for those less fortunate than themselves this Christmas.
“There will be a box near the Christmas tree in our reception from Monday 5 December until Thursday 15 December and we will deliver all the donations to Hull Food Bank in time for Christmas.
“They need non-perishable food and in particular things like pasta sauces, long life whole milk, tinned fruit and meat, rice and biscuits but they don’t need pasta, cereals or beans.”
Pat Coyle, Client Relations Director for Rollits, said: “Emma came up with the idea and we were more than happy to support her and Molly in setting things up and spreading the word within the firm and among our clients and contacts.
“We contribute to a wide range of charities every year by organising fundraising events and by providing expertise and guidance to charity clients and this initiative demonstrates that we can also act quickly when someone comes up with a great idea that needs an instant response.”
To find out more about Hull Food Bank please visit hull.foodbank.org.uk