A team of local business professionals are pressing on with their part in a million pound plus nationwide charity push-ups campaign after each hitting their target by the deadline of the end of November.

John Flanagan, Chris Knight and Craig Ingram – who are all based in Hull – have been joined by Hull exile Edward Horsfall in hoping to raise in excess of £1,000 as the “Cheltz Lads” team for the 100 Push-ups November Challenge in aid of Cancer Research UK.
Their fundraising pages at the charity’s website are still open (link below) and the hope is that more people will make donations now they have completed the challenge.
John, who is a Partner and Head of Corporate at Rollits LLP, said he decided to embark on the challenge of doing 100 push-ups every day during November because the felt it was a different challenge and he wanted to support a good cause.
Chris, who works at HSBC, and Craig, from Handelsbanken also decided to take part and Edward, now based in Manchester, completed the line-up. They claimed the “Cheltz Lads” identity as a nod towards their annual visits to the Cheltenham Festival.
John’s motivation was sharpened even further by the recent death from cancer of Andrew Digwood, a former well respected colleague who worked in the firm’s York office until earlier this year.
John said: “Most people will have been touched by cancer either personally or through family and friends and that’s why we were keen to support Cancer Research UK. The death of Andrew at the age of 46 just a few days into our challenge really brought home to me the importance of supporting the charity and trying to raise a decent amount of money.”
He said: “We knew it would be hard but we just decided to bite the bullet. The first week or so was a shock to the system and I suspect we’ll all admit that even the last day was still difficult!
“I managed to do my 100 every day although I definitely didn’t do more than that on any day! We’re pleased to be finished with the push-ups but we’re still spreading the word to try and raise more money before we close the fundraising pages.”
To support the team with their 100 Push-ups November Challenge please visit Cheltz Lads (cancerresearchuk.org)
Nationwide the challenge is on target to raise in excess of £2,000,000 for Cancer Research UK.