The Risky Cities project is looking to commission five different artists to respond creatively to work written by community groups in recent workshops, and to produce a piece of art based around the themes, stories and ideas found within the material.

We anticipate that responses might include representation from visual arts, theatre, poetry, music and dance but are open to a wide range of forms. We are specifically interested in hearing from artists from multiple art forms including those who might not normally feel like these sorts of commissions are for them.
We are looking for any artistic response which has a live performance element and/or would be able to be exhibited live in some way at a sharing. For example, an illustrator might be able to present their work/s and talk about the inspiration and process or a costume designer might choose to exhibit and talk about a costume that they have designed.
You may choose to focus on specific stories or memories generated by the community pieces, or you may choose to respond to the broader themes which reoccur throughout the overall body of work. However, we would like pieces to feel deeply rooted in the community writing.
We hope this callout is an opportunity to transform and respond to current narratives of flooding and community voices within the city. The overall focus of Risky Cities is to help build resilience for the future and explore the crucial role that arts, culture and heritage have to play in achieving this.
We are excited to hear imaginative and bold pitches which will help to shape new narratives around flooding in Hull.
We are looking to commission artists who work within any artistic discipline and have an ‘HU’ postcode.
The artistic response must have a live performance element and/or would be able to be exhibited live in some way at a sharing. For example, an illustrator might be able to present their work/s and talk about the inspiration and process or a costume designer might choose to exhibit and speak about a costume that they have designed.
- £1750 commissioning fee
- Space to work and/or rehearse on The University of Hull Campus
- Lighting support during technical rehearsal and sharings
- A round table discussion about Hull’s history of flooding with Risky Cities academics and community participants
- BSL interpretation during sharings.
For more information about how to apply, please visit