Lives could be saved thanks to a team of cyclists who raised more than £11,000 in a mammoth cycle ride from Glasgow to Hull.

The eight-strong team from Hull-based Wescot Credit Services, part of the Cabot Credit Management Group and the largest debt provider for the UK retail market, scaled climbs totalling half the height of Mount Everest during the three-day challenge to raise funds for Prostate Cancer UK.
The 268-mile ride, between two of Wescot’s offices, aimed to raise enough money to make a real difference to men battling prostate cancer and their families – a goal the team achieved.
Tim Eagle, business performance manager, said: “Ultimately, when we set up, we had a target of £2,500 but to raise the amount we did was beyond our expectations.
“My dad was diagnosed in December 2019. He went through radiotherapy and hormone treatment, and thankfully he’s now in remission and doing great. For me, there’s that personal connection to it but other people in the workplace have spoken to me about it too saying ‘my uncle, my dad, my cousin’ or someone else they know who has been affected by prostate cancer. It was just one of the many reasons we wanted to support Prostate Cancer UK.”
According to Prostate Cancer UK, one in eight men will be diagnosed with the disease during their lifetime and is the most common cancer in men.
Wilf Baker, organiser for Prostate Cancer Support Group Lincs and Humber and a prostate cancer survivor, said: “The Wescot team’s fundraising has been absolutely brilliant and it means we can continue to support our service.
“That amount of money could save some lives. You never know what is going to happen but it is nice to be able to have someone to say ‘don’t worry, I’ve been there’ and that’s what our nurses and our support network are there for.
“We have specialist nurses who are on hand to talk to any man who gets diagnosed with prostate cancer and talk them through their treatment and match them up to people who have had similar experiences.”
In total, the Wescot team raised £11,438.95 for Prostate Cancer UK, thanks to donations from friends, family, colleagues and a range of corporate sponsors: Wescot Credit Services / Cabot Credit Management Group, Northern Power Grid, Drydensfairfax Solicitors, Arnold Clark, Kingston Cleaning Services, Corptel and Beal Holmes.
Donations can still be made until the end of October by visiting here.