With so much new technology making the world more connected than ever before, the rise of global markets and online commerce has transformed the way we do business.

Still, within this landscape of change, the significance of local businesses remains clear, as it’s woven into the very fabric of our communities. Local businesses offer far more than just products and services; they also act as the foundation for communities and foster a feeling of belonging.
As such, it’s perhaps no surprise that Northstowe, a large new town near Cambridge, has been described as being a town with ‘no heart’ or a ‘ghost town’ thanks to its lack of local businesses to provide vital amenities.
When launching a new local business, be it a retail establishment or a provider of services in a specific area, you need to make sure that you get the word out quickly. Getting noticed is big business, but it is possible to do a lot of the work yourself to keep costs down when you’re first starting out.
While everyone knows about the obvious marketing techniques, especially digital ones like building a website and creating profiles on popular social media platforms, you shouldn’t overlook local marketing, particularly offline efforts and events that could benefit your brand in the long run.
Here are some simple ways that you can get your new local business noticed throughout the community and achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of.
Start with a celebration
To begin with, you should host an opening event or launch party to attract locals to your business. Offer discounts, samples, or giveaways to entice attendees and make the event more appealing to a wider range of potential customers. This approach is a fun way to spread the word and get people talking about your new business venture. Planning a successful launch party doesn’t have to be too time-consuming if you’re prepared ahead of time, so make sure you have everything ready for your event.
Make the most of local media
After your opening party, or a major milestone for your company, you could reach out to local newspapers, magazines, and radio stations to share your business story. Consider sending press releases about your grand opening or any unique aspects of your business to improve your likelihood of being seen. You could also try advertising on these platforms to ensure that your business gets noticed by locals and that you improve your brand recognition throughout the community.
Send out leaflets
For local businesses, offline marketing methods such as direct mail can be a useful approach. Using the right design and an experienced leaflet distribution company like DOR-2-DOR, you can get the word out there and reach out to less tech-savvy locals. Leaflets can be a great way to share news on your business and deliver exciting offers directly to your target market: local residents.
A final word
When it comes to spreading the word about your local business, consistency is key. Choose a few of these strategies that align with your business and target audience, and commit to executing them consistently. As you gain traction in the local community, word-of-mouth and positive reviews will also play a significant role in spreading the word about your new business. Over time, you’ll gain local acclaim and start to see the fruits of your labours.